
Recent H beam Steel Price Trend Analysis

Recently, the price of H Shaped Beam has shown a certain fluctuation trend. From the national mainstream market average price, on January 2, 2025, the price was 3310 yuan, up 1.11% from the previous day, and then the price began to fall, on January 10, the price fell to 3257.78 yuan, down 0.17% from the previous day.

h beam



From the perspective of market factors, the cost side has a greater impact on the price of H-shaped steel. In the early stage, due to the reduction of factory prices of some steel mills, the price of H Shaped Steel fell. Recently, with the rising price of billets, the leading steel mill billet price rose by 10 yuan, the implementation of 2970 yuan including tax factory, the cost side support has become stronger, driving the price of H Shaped Steel Beam.

On the demand side, the overall demand marginal decline is obvious. Near the end of the year, terminal demand is basically stagnant, traders maintain light inventory operation, shipments are mainly fast in and fast out, and market speculation is not much.

Unveiling the Powerhouse Royal Group's Leading H Beam Factory in China

On the whole, the recent H Shaped Iron Beam price is affected by the cost side and the demand side, and shows different trends in different regions, but the overall fluctuation is relatively small. It is expected that in the short term, in the case of insufficient demand, the price of H-shaped steel in some areas may fluctuate weakly.



Kangsheng development industry zone,
Wuqing district, Tianjin city, China.


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Post time: Mar-03-2025